Monday, September 20, 2010


Another Inglishfest has come and gone and what a day it was! With the struggling economy and continuing world conflicts this year seemed particularly special as we all breathed a collective sigh of relief and let ourselves be swept away for one day by the incredible talent that kept materializing right before our very eyes. To see so much energy and excitement from the younger performers as they paid homage to the unprocessed, harmonic driven, music we call Bluegrass or Folk or Americana or even Victorian was inspiring. Someone commented that these young people "obviously don't spend all their time texting!" And how comforting it was to have some of our local blues geniuses, those we've seen perhaps many times before, still cranking out the songs that bring us back down to earth and make us want to boogie away all our troubles. Of course the music is complemented by the lucious ambience that is our own Garden Farms. Every neighbor that I spoke with was so grateful and proud to have this most awesome party just a short walk from home. Every year it just gets better as we all step back into the culture of Inglishfest for one afternoon. It's hard to explain what it's like to folks who haven't experienced it because it's just that - an experience. A huge thanks to hosts Duane and Ingrid Inglish for their generosity and tenacity in gathering up the most eclectic talent around and sharing it with us all simply for the sheer joy of doing so. Thanks to all the behind the scenes folks as well. An event like that doesn't set up and tear down without tons of volunteer effort from lots of people. I'll be counting the days until the next Inglishfest!

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